
Do you spend a lot of your time on HR rather than your business? We can fix this! We can fix this!

Enter your staff’s info, and we will do the rest
Focus on your business and let us handle your HR
Our services provide human resources department for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to help the employer with the administrative work.

Official Licenses of the Company

  • Company’s license and its validity
  • Signatory authorization letter and its validity
  • Other licenses that are related to the company
  • Working permit and its validity

Ministry of Social Affairs Documents

  • Number of registered workers
  • Work permit and its validity
  • Other licenses that are related to the employees

Employment Contract

  • Employee’s accounting and legal benefits and rights
  • Regulating relationship between employer and employee

Public Institution for Social Security

  • Owed amounts and payments history with PIFSS
  • Number of employees registered on Chapter 3 and 5